Applications for SiC grinding discs in materialography

In materialography, high grade SiC grinding discs provides excellent removal rates and long service lives. The use of a SiC grinding disc is thus the right choice for many applications in materialographic practice. Silicon carbide on the SiC grinding disc, is a tried and tested classic abrasive with reliable properties. It is a synthetically manufactured compound of carbon and silicon. Silicon carbide is not only used in materialography and bound in SiC grinding discs. It is used in a wide variety of industries and can also be used in the form of a loose powder. An alternative to SiC grinding discs are diamond grinding discs or those made of cubic boron nitride. The preparation goal and the nature of the sample determine what is the peferrable grinding disc. In principle, it is recommended to pay attention to a reliable quality and a long service live when it comes to SiC grinding discs. However, this is also true for other consumables in materialography.


The SCAN-DIA SIC Grinding Disc


The company SCAN-DIA offers its customers a wide variety of grinding materials and other consumables for metallography. Such as all other SCAN-DIA products, the SiC grinding disc is subject to continuous in-house testing and controls. The SCAN-DIA SiC Grinding Disc is available in various types. Owing to finely graduated grit sizes, a desired removal rate can very precisely be predicted. The available SiC grinding disc diameters of Ø 200 mm, Ø 250 mm and Ø 300 mm allow the processing of samples of different sizes. In order to meet every need, the SiC grinding disc is available in an adhesive and a non-adhesive version. All SCAN-DIA SiC grinding discs are waterproof and suitable for wet grinding. SCAN-DIA gives comprehensive advice on the fields of application and the optimal sample preparation using the SCAN-DIA SiC Grinding Disc. The complete SCAN-DIA product range is designed to achieve a desired preparation goal as efficiently and economically as possible. Thus, the SiC grinding disc works reliably to achieve excellent results during wet grinding.