Aluminium oxide for polishing – properties and fields of application

Aluminium oxide (Al2O3), also known as alumina, is used for polishing processes in different industrial sectors. Two application variants can be distinguished: aluminium oxide can be used for polishing in the form of loose grains or dissolved in suspension. In materialography, it is exclusively used in suspensions. Aluminium oxide in the form of suspensions is trusted as a reliable polishing agent since a long time. In the industry, it is therefore regarded as the classical polishing agent. However, given the increased use of polishing agents containing diamond, aluminium oxide is considerably less used in the last couple of years. However, it is still regularly used by metallographers for their sample preparation. Aluminium oxide is characterized by an extremely broad spectrum of applications and effects. The constant physical properties of aluminium oxide have a positive effect on the polishing process. The hardness of the primary crystals provides an excellent material removal and very readily calculable removal rates.

Effective polishing with SCAN-DIA Aluminium Oxide

SCAN-DIA Aluminium Oxide for the polishing process is characterized by very reliable and calculable properties, making it a very popular polishing agent. SCAN-DIA offers aluminium oxide (alumina) for polishing in the form of a liquid. Thus, it can be precisely dosed and ensures a very economical workflow. A bottle of suspension contains 200 g aluminium oxide as dry substance dissolved in 1 litre water. Aluminium oxide for polishing purposes is offered in different grain sizes. The grit ranges from 1 µ and 0.3 µ up to 0.05 µ. As the hardness of aluminium oxide is below the hardness of diamond, it is particularly suited for the final polish of softer materials. Such as all products in the SCAN-DIA range, SCAN-DIA Aluminium Oxide for polishing purposes is matched to the rest of the company's materials and machines and is thus perfectly suited for an economical and quick preparation. Aluminium oxide for polishing can be optimally combined with the SCAN-DIA Polishing Cloth FINAPLAN.